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Small & Mighty


A unity in diversity justified by grace through faith

Psalm 46 God is our refugee. Don’t be fear for any calamity

Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will write my law in their hearts, says the Lord

Romans 3:19-28 Justified by God’s grace as a gift

John 8:31-36 Jesus says, Continue in my word and you will know the truth


Have you ever heard of a well known slogan “a unity in diversity” among Christians? The concept of unity or diversity sounds good by itself. But it seems somehow unrealistic when we put these two concepts together. Imagine what we would see by putting a group of people together as a team/group who have their own idealistic ways of living! Discomfort and tension can’t be avoid!

您是否聽說過,在基督徒中眾所周知的一個口號, “多樣性中的合一”? "多樣性" 和 "合一" 的概念本身聽起來都不錯。 但當我們把這兩個概念放在一起時,就顯得有些不切實際。 想像一下,如果將一群擁有自己理想主義生活方式的人聚集在一起,使他們成為一個團隊,我們會看到些什麼呢!感到不舒服或是不安的氣份,絕對是有的!

As Christians, I think that we should add something to the two concepts that say about us. Since we are celebrating the Reformation Day, how about adding the phrase “justified by grace through faith”? So, the slogan will be: a unity in diversity that is justified by grace through faith! It’s kind of long, but please bear with me.

我認為我們應該在這 “多樣性中的合一” 添加一些能代表我們作為基督徒的的詞彙。 剛好我們今日慶祝宗教改革日,把「蒙神恩典因信稱義」這句話加上,在合適也不過。 因此,這口號將是:一個多樣性中合一的信徒們,是蒙神恩典因信稱義的一個信仰團體。有點長,但請耐心聽我述說。

What does a unity in diversity that is justified by grace through faith look like? Can it be found at church? I am convinced that it means a great deal to God for God’s kingdom!

一個多樣性中合一的信徒們,蒙神恩典因信稱義的一個信仰團體,是什麼樣的一個團體呢? 可以在教會中看得到嗎? 我相信,這對神和神國而言,是挺重要的!

Generally speaking, most adults don't like to be told what to do or even how to do certain things because it makes them feel small, feelings of discomfort and tension. However, if there is a shared value with a meaningful purpose, the outcomes of whatever they accomplish together would be more powerful and impactful.


When a value is owned and uplifted by the majority of a team/group with an identified purpose that is relevant and beneficial, “a unity in diversity” isn't just a slogan for the group but a tangible living testimony. Because of its tangibility, it provides a path to sustainable thriving. With the justification by grace through faith, led by the Holy Spirit, the team/group certainly thrive.

當一個團隊/團體的大多數人擁有並支持同一個價值觀,一起要達成的目的是具有相關性且有益於整個團體時,“多樣性中的合一” 不僅僅是一個團隊的口號,而是一個切切實實活出的一個見證。 由於是一個切切實實活出的一個見證,接下來要走的路,便是一條可持續蓬勃發展的道路。有著聖靈的帶領,蒙神恩典因信稱義,此團隊/團體肯定會蓬勃發展。

What image comes to mind when you think of unity in diversity within which there is constant discomfort and tension? Let us think of a prickle of porcupines snuggled and huddled together for warmth on a freezing cold day. It is shocking to know that a porcupine has over 30,000 spiky quills covering its entire body except for its belly area.

當你想到一個多樣性中的合一的團體,但其團體中存在著不舒服或是不安的感覺時,您的腦海中會浮現出甚麼樣的畫面?讓我們想像一下,一群豪豬在寒冷的日子裡依偎在一起取暖的景象。您可知,一隻豪豬除腹部以外,整個身體上下總共有 30,000 多根尖刺。很驚訝吧!

Porcupines are small individuals and quite unique! They are not social but do have a social structure. In order to not freeze to death, they are capable of keeping just the right distance to avoid hurting each other with their sharp quills. Life is their predominant value; staying warm is their sole purpose as a group on a freezing cold day.


Faith Story

Unlike porcupines, our social norms keep evolving based on well accepted values and purposes. To Christians, the values and the purposes of any religious groups can be vary but the Gospel Jesus offers has been kept across all denominations.


Because of our fallen humanity, we see reformers come and go in the Bible to keep the unity in diversity through faith. Prophets, like reformers, speak the truth about the present and what will happen if people do not change their behavior and return to Yahweh’s ways.

由於我們墮落的人性,為了保有多樣性中信徒們的合一,在聖經中有許多改革家。 先知和改革家有著同樣的使命,他們講述了當前所看到的真相,以及如果人們不改變自己的行為並回歸耶和華的道路時,他們也會述說將會發生什麼事。

The most phenomenal reformer is Jesus Christ himself. He uses the shortest time to bring people back to Yahweh’s ways. He offers his teachings and interpretations on the old things that have stumbled the people of faith and blocked them away from the kingdom of God. He accomplishes God’s intentions and righteousness through suffering, death, and resurrection to reconcile all living beings back to God.


In 1517, when the church was no longer holding the value of being justified by grace through faith apart from humans’ works, Martin Luther, a reformer, precipitated a movement that reformulated certain basic purposes of Christian belief: forgiveness can’t be bought; salvation can’t be earned; the Bible shouldn’t only be interpreted by the Pope and Bishop; worship shouldn’t be seen as human’s sacrifice to God but as a gift from God to the people of faith.

1517年,當教會不再認為"蒙神恩典因信稱義而不是因人行律法" 的價值觀後,改革家馬丁路德發起了一場運動,重新闡述了基督教信仰的基本目的:寬恕是買不到的;救贖是靠人做不來的;聖經不應該只由教宗和主教來解釋;敬拜不應該被視為人類對上帝的犧牲,而應被視為上帝給信徒們的一份禮物。


IF a value is distorted, the purpose of living is changed as a result. That was what happened in the 16th century when those in power at church played God. They sold forgiveness; they promoted works-based salvation; they prohibited the translation of the Bible into common languages. The purpose of the church only benefited those in power.

如果價值觀被扭曲,活著的目的就會跟著改變。這就是 16 世紀所發生的事情,當時教會的掌權者扮演上帝的角色。他們泛賣寬恕;他們提倡以人行為為基礎的救贖;他們禁止將聖經翻譯成通用語言。教會存在的目的只讓當權者受益,而不是為信徒們而存在。

Let us use Psalm 46:1 to demonstrate and help us see why it matters when there is shared value with a meaningful purpose by the majority of people. It says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

讓我們用詩篇 46:1 來幫助我們了解為什麼在一個團體中,大多數的人擁有共同的價值觀和有意義的目的很重要。 這經文說:神是我們的避難所,是我們的力量,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。

What is the most obvious trait of refugees? Humility! Because refugees cannot support themselves and must rely on the help of others. Humility becomes their shared value. And the purpose of a refuge to refugees is a place where people of faith find God who provides shelter, strength and ever-present help in trouble. Humility does make us small. But with God as our refuge, we are mighty!

在避難所的難民,最明顯的特徵是什麼? 謙卑! 因為難民無法自給自足 必須靠他人的幫助,謙卑成了他們共同的價值觀。 難民避難所的目的是讓信徒們尋得上帝,在困境中提供庇護、力量和隨時的幫助。謙卑確實會使我們變得渺小。但有神作為我們的避難所,我們就變得強大!

Yes, we have all carried our own fallen stories; discomfort and tension occur because of our own self-ego and self-righteousness. Nonetheless, we are in a much better place than a prickle of porcupines. We have the new covenant written all over on our hearts by God through the blood of Jesus Christ. And because of our faith, we are justified by grace in Christ. Thus, we can become a community united in diversity.



Having God in our life as our refuge is Good News. The church by default is the body of unity in diversity that is justified by grace through faith. Because God is real, His grace is real; therefore, His strength and help are real and most needed in the midst of discomfort and tension.

有神在我們的生命中作為我們的避難所是好消息。 教會本該是一個多樣性中合一的信徒們,是蒙神恩典因信稱義的一個信仰團體。因為神是真實的,祂的恩典也是真實的;因此,在感到不舒服或是不安的情況下,神的力量和幫助是最真實的,也是最需要的。

May we be a tangible living testimony of this Good News that leads a path to sustainable thriving for all who are lost and seeking to be found. May we give thanks to our loving and merciful God each day, who remembers our sins no more and who loves us unconditionally. In Christ, we all are small. With God, we are mighty. Thanks to be God.


Amen. 阿們。

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