The 2nd Week of Advent: Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6
How can we love much and love well?
What is your story of overflowing love?
How can you tell your love is intelligent and sincere?
Have you ever joined a community and immediately felt so welcomed and loved? I have, and I felt a sense of belonging, as if I was part of a big family. It was a bilingual congregation in Illinois where my husband served as a pastor. After being loved, welcomed and befriended, I felt that I needed to give something back to this community beyond what I had been doing. After knowing this community more, I learned that there were several single parent families, and that many children did not have a place to be during their summer break. Therefore, I came up with the plan of having a free six-week program from Monday to Friday for all children from three to twelve years old.
This program was well received and supported by the congregation; nearly eighty people including volunteers were at church each day. Instead of being content and joyful, I was exhausted and lost my enthusiasm and excitement by the third week. I wished there were more volunteers who could have stayed longer after each afternoon to tidy up all classrooms with me. I must have said something which made my husband ask me, “Do you love them?” It is a similar question Jesus asked Simon Peter right before His ascension in John 21: 15-19.
That was an awakening question for me. I realized that I still had so much to learn and reflect. I served the people of God not so much out of love but indebtment. That could be the main reason that tasks each day seemed to be endless, and I couldn’t wait for the program to be over. I wanted to love the people I served but I could not love them well.
What was the kind of love Jesus had for all during his earthly time? Some loved Him and were loyal to Him all their lives. Some hated him and cursed him. Some idolized him but betrayed him when things didn't work out for them. All of these did not change His attitude toward his daily ministries and His ultimate mission. He did this all out of love and selflessness. That is agape - a kind of love that is unconditional and free without charge.
My love can never be enough. I reminded myself that I had to rely on God’s love and allow that love to complete my joy in my daily ministries. Without seeing the full picture of God’s saving act, my love is not wise or intelligent. Without a humble heart to serve God, my love is not sincere.
After reflecting on the question, “Do you love them?” and praying for my heart, my mind, and my strength to be renewed, I found that I could love the people I served better for the rest of the summer program. Thanks be to God for continuing to entrust me with the gospel, which is, God’s love is always enough for us, more than enough to complete our incompleteness and our imperfection. Amen.