The 1st Advent Sunday: Psalms 25:1-10; Luke 21:25-36
Podcast Message: Already But Not Yet
Hello, This is Jade.
Welcome to Yi.kigai
A space to explore the intersection between faith and daily life
Happy Advent
Happy New Year to all of you, the people of God
This past week was rainy and cloudy and sometimes, the sun would come out for a couple of hours. Last Friday, my family decided to take a short walk on the Green Lake Trail after the rain died down a little bit.
As we walked along the trail, a cherry tree caught my eye, standing alone in the meadow by the path. All of its leaves have fallen except some yellow leaves on a half fallen branch hanging by its trunk.
This cherry tree makes me think of ‘Advent Season,’ and a well-known phrase Christians often use, which is “God’s kingdom is already here but not yet.” We use this phrase to remind each other that there is a clear purpose of what we do and why we do everything for the Lord.
“Already here but not yet!”
Could I see that the life of this cherry tree was already here but not yet fully revealed before spring comes?
At first glance, the current state of this cherry tree made me feel sad for not being able to see anything hopeful.
What are some of your first impressions that come to mind when you see a tree without leaves?
“Advent Season” is a time of waiting, a time of anticipation for the coming king-Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world who was born into a most unexpected circumstance, a new born king in a manger. It seems hopeless but not through the eyes of faith.
Jesus was born in meekness, as one of us. Jesus is already here living in us and through us, and preparing us to be with him fully until he comes again.
Let us prayerfully wonder together: What might God surprise you and me in this Advent Season as we put our trust in God like it says in Psalms 25:1-10?
And how can we individually and communally stand up and raise our heads as we wait with the assurance of the fulfilment of God’s Kingdom as it says in Luke 21:25-36.
<Closing Prayer>
May your week be blessed by God’s grace
As together we explore the intersection between faith and daily life
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