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May 29 Podcast: The Booster!


The 7th Sunday of Easter

Scriptures: Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21: John 17:20-26

Key Verse: “The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one.” (John 17:22)



Hello, This is Jade.

Welcome to Yi.kigai

A space for all to explore the intersection between faith and daily life



Easter Blessings. It is the last Easter Sunday. What are things that can boost our immune system as Easter people so that we have everything we need to be Pentecost people starting next Sunday?

The big word ‘glory’ has been in my thoughts this Easter Season. Since I couldn’t see myself using this big word to describe the ordinary in my day to day life, I wondered if there was a contemporary word that was equivalent to the word ‘glory’. Then I came to a conclusion that what Jesus said in John 17:22 about this splendorous gift could be our booster. Jesus said, “The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one.” It is certain that we, being believers and listening to Jesus’ teachings, have all received God’s glory. What could be better than this glory as our booster for the longest season in the church calendar? It’s called the Ordinary Time or the Season after Pentecost, and it lasts until the Sunday after Thanksgiving in November.

God’s glory makes me think of our genes. After my husband lived in Taiwan for a couple of years and got to know my Chinese or Taiwanese friends in the United States, he made a comment on one expression that we often used, which was, “I’m so tired.” Then I realized that I had never heard him saying it. I told him that I wished I had his genes. We have lived together for almost 30 years, eaten the same kind of food, had the same vocation serving at churches, the same lifestyle, but I just couldn’t keep up with him or match his energy. Even though I eat more than he does, sleep more at night, and take naps (which he doesn’t), I still get tired easier than him.

Before his final battle on the cross, Jesus passed on such an important message to his current and future disciples, saying their unity with the heavenly father and Jesus has to do with glory. So, what does glory mean according to John, the fourth gospel writer? If we search the word glory or other forms of this word in the four gospels, they appear 80 times in total, 49% in John, 33% in Luke, 5% in Mark, and 13% in Matthew. The word ‘glory’ is one of the central themes for John who uses the word the most. It has to do with what Jesus has accomplished through the cross.

I believe that you and I already have a clue on what this gift is about. It’s an undefeatable gene, the glory of the cross, that has the power to unite all believers with Jesus and His heavenly Father so that they can live each day fully and eternally. Without the glory of the cross, our earthly death is the final destination, being buried, forgotten, and isolated from the living. With the glory of the cross, our earthly life is extended into a kingdom life where there is no more tears, pain, and death. What a splendorous gift that we have all received. Thanks be to God through Jesus.


<Closing Prayer:>

May your coming week be blessed by God’s grace

As together we explore the intersection between faith and daily life


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