Sermon for 7.28.2024
Psalm 145:10-18
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21 (1:18)
You might have read the introduction on the front page of our bulletin. For the coming five weeks, we will mainly focus on Jesus who is the Bread of Life. And the theme will end on Jesus who is the Word of Eternal Life on August 25. Welcome to the journey on the BREAD of LIFE.
您也許已閱讀了我們公告首頁的介紹。在接下來的五週,我們的主題是: 耶穌是生命之糧。 8 月 25 日,主題將以《耶穌為永生之道》做結束。歡迎一起進入這《生命之糧》的信仰旅程。
Today, there are two miracles in John 6:1-21. One is done with a crowd, the feeding of the five thousand; another one is done with the disciples alone, Jesus walking on water. We see the manifestation of the divine from these two miracles. Actually, the Evangelist John doesn’t use the word ‘miracle’ like Matthew and Mark. He uses the word, “SIGN” to describe God’s mighty works.
今日,約翰福音書的第 6 章 1-21 節中有兩個神蹟。一個是,涉及到一大群人的神蹟 〰 餵飽五千人;另一個是,單獨在門徒前行的神蹟 〰 耶穌在水上行走。我們從這兩個神蹟中看到了神的大能。事實上,福音傳道家約翰並不像馬太和馬可那樣使用「神蹟」這個字眼。他是用「標示」這個字眼,來形容上帝偉大的作為。
The word SIGN is one of the highlights from the gospel according to St. John. He really wants his readers to see and experience something even more amazing than the miracles themselves. For example, what does John want us to see or experience through these two signs - feeding the five thousand or walking on water?
What are signs for? We see signs everywhere. Signs direct us to a destination. If we don’t know where we are going, signs are useless. Where do Jesus’ signs direct people? In John 1:18, it says that no one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made God known. Therefore, Jesus’ mission is to make God known.
標示,是做什麼用的呢?我們隨處都可見標示。路標的標示指引我們到達目的地。如果我們不知道要去哪裡,那麼路標的標示就沒有用了。耶穌所行的神蹟,是要將人引向何處呢?約翰福音書第 1 章 18 節說,沒有人見過神,只有祂獨一的兒子,而這獨一的兒子本身就是神,並且與父親的關係最為密切,這獨一的兒子使神為人所知。因此,耶穌的使命就是要讓人們認識神。
Jesus’ mission is our mission. All the ministries we do should be like signs that direct people to be with God - to see God, to know God, to experience God, to trust God, and to glorify God. If all ministries we do function as SIGNs that make God known, what does that look like to you?
耶穌的使命就是我們的使命。我們所做的事工,都應該要有和標示的用途一樣,引導人與神同在──看見神、認識神、經歷神、信靠神、榮耀神。 如果我們所有的事工都起到「標示」的用途,使神為人所知,那麼對你來說,這將是一個什麼樣的場景呢?
The second highlight from this gospel are the words “I AM” in John 6:20 that Jesus uses. “I AM” has been associated with the name of God since the biblical tradition in the Old Testament. Do you remember Moses asking for God’s name in Exodus 3:13-14? God told him to tell the people of Israel that “I AM” is the way to address God. As Jesus walks across the water, he identifies himself to his disciples with the divine name, “I AM”, and confirms that his walking on water is a theophany. Jesus shares God’s work and God’s identity. Indeed, the sign is done, and the name of God is announced.
這本福音書的第二個亮點是,耶穌在約翰福音書第 6 章 20 節中,使用的「我是」一詞。自舊約聖經傳統以來,「我是」就與上帝的名字連結在一起。您還記得摩西在出埃及記第 3 章 13-14 節中,求問神的名字嗎?神要他告訴以色列人,「我是」是稱呼神的方式。當耶穌在水面上行走時,他用神的名字「我是」, 向門徒們表明自己的身份,並讓他們認知到,祂在水上行走是神顯現自己身份的一種方式。耶穌與神,共同享有神的大能,也共同享有神的身份。在此事件中,神蹟的「標示」已經顯明了,神的名字也已經宣告了。
Our Story
During last Thursday's morning devotion with the elders, we talked about God always meeting our most basic needs in Psalm 145:15. It says, “The eyes of all wait upon you, O Lord, and you give them their food in due season. The framework of Psalm 145:10-18 resembles the framework of the Lord’s Prayer. What is the first petition that Jesus taught us to pray? Give us today our daily bread.
在上週四早上與晨光團契的年長者的靈修中,我們在詩篇 145:15 中談到,神總是會滿足我們最基本的需要。經文上說:「主啊,萬民都仰望祢,祢就按時賜給他們食物。」詩篇 145:10-18 的架構,與主禱文的架構,非常相似。在主導文中,耶穌也教導我們,第一個向神的祈求是什麼呢?今日,賜給我們,日用的飲食。
Let’s process briefly how a relationship is developed between a newborn baby and a mother. How does the baby know if the mother loves him or her? Through feeding and nurturing by spending time together! For the baby, the feeding is a sign that leads the baby to get to know the love of the mother and to trust who will provide basic needs.
讓我們簡單回顧一下,新生兒和母親之間的關係,是如何發展的。寶寶是如何知道,媽媽是否愛他或她呢?是透過在一起,花時間餵養和養育的一個過程!對嬰兒來說,餵食是一個「標示」。藉著這個 「標示」, 讓嬰兒了解到母親的愛,並且相信她是那位,會提供基本需求的人。
And how long does it take for such a precious relationship to grow strong and steady? It doesn’t really take long. However, the love and trust can diminish or disappear if the basic need is not met. That must be the reason why us being fed matters to God.
And can we measure how mature or immature the developed relationship between the baby and the mother is? A simple way to know is seeing the baby love the mother back and honor her. And the last question: who has the right and power to give the final evaluation on how the baby is doing in terms of learning about love and trust? The mom.
God’s Story
Let’s go back to the story in John 6. The five thousand were fed by Jesus at least once or twice. Did they get to know who Jesus was to them? Did they feel that Jesus loved them? How much had they learned to trust Jesus? Jesus can do as many miracles as he wants. If miracles are seen as the end of what God does, we miss the whole picture of God’s mission. At the time, many,including his disciples, couldn't fully grasp it. However, through the last most important sign - his resurrection, many were led to God-Self in the first century. In Jesus Christ, they saw God, knew God, experienced God, trusted God, and glorified God.
So, what’s our challenges? A question for us might be, “How do we do ministries differently so that they function as signs that lead people to God? Most importantly: Since it is our mission to make God known, what have we learned from today’s passage? In order to answer these questions, we don’t want to overlook these two concepts: Jesus’ glory and Jesus’ grace.
A biblical commentator points out how important it is to understand Jesus’ glory and Jesus’ grace. He comments: How believers hold the grace and the glory of Jesus in balance is critical to the life of faith. One cannot coexist with the grace of Jesus if that person tries to harness it for one’s own glory which is false power or authority. And one cannot coexist with the glory of Jesus if that person does not recognize the presence of the glory in the quiet places of Jesus’ grace. Both the grace and the glory of Jesus are essential to God’s revelation in Jesus.
Feeding the five thousand is about Jesus’ grace. Jesus’ grace can’t be controlled by the crowd’s desire for glory, such as their desire to have Jesus be their king like King David. Walking on water is about Jesus’ glory that he will not hold back in the quiet places of his’ grace, just like his mission to the cross. He is no one else but “I AM”, our God.
Good News
So, What’s the Good News for us today?
Neither Jesus’ grace be controlled by us, nor will Jesus withhold his glory, because that is the very reason why God comes to us in human flesh to make God known. Thanks and praises be to God.