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June 26 Podcast: Solo or Group


The 3rd Sunday after Pentecost:

Scriptures: Psalm 16; Luke 9:51-62

Key Verse: You will show me the path of life. (Psalm 16:11a)



Hello, This is Jade.

Welcome to Yi.kigai

A space for all to explore the intersection between faith and daily life



Do you prefer traveling solo or with a group? There are pros and cons for both. Planning any trip involves things such as budgeting, preparations, and safety concerns. The more people we want to travel with, the more we need to take into consideration.

My husband and I moved to Washington State about 5 years ago and enjoy hiking very much. It’s interesting to learn about my own anxiety when people suggest that we hike together. I get nervous when such a suggestion comes from people who are young or who look fit. All I can think is how I might slow down the group. When hiking with my husband, I feel comfortable to walk at my own pace or take as many breaks as I need to have either water or food, but I don’t think that I am confident enough to know if people in general would be okay waiting for me without complaining or regretting hiking with me when we are on a tight schedule.

We often describe our faith as a journey, not a destination. In other words, our lives together as people of faith isn’t about how fast we move forward but how faithful we are in trust and in love. It is easier to talk about it than doing life together with all siblings in Christ. We might all agree that it isn’t wise to travel alone while not knowing what’s ahead of us, and at the same time, it is challenging to travel with anyone whom we haven’t built trust and a relationship with.

Have you ever felt like you're traveling alone in your faith journey, especially when emotions such as anger or grief overpower your thoughts and reasoning or when no one seems to understand your pain and suffering? For example, if you were capable of doing many things in the past but can no longer do these things anymore due to aging, experiencing a severe illness, or becoming disabled, such a feeling like loneliness can be a daily struggle.

Or have you ever felt excluded in your faith journey especially when people’s thoughts and reasoning overpower your emotions such as religious rules, theologies, and biblical interpretations, or when everyone seems to have all figured it out but things don’t seem to align with what you value the most? For example, if you are part of LGBTQI+ community, loneliness seems to have the power to lead your minds down a defeated mentality tunnel. Or if you decide to have a lifestyle that is different from the norm such as being single or not having any kids, you might experience some sort of loneliness.

Our faith journey together is hard and messy if we don’t love God and ourselves as others well, and if we don’t repent and forgive well. Our faith journey together could be easier and less messier if we don’t focus too much on ourselves or care too much of what other people think. In God’s eyes, none of us is traveling alone. We should not be surprised to notice it when God gives us a nudge and helps us see that there is always someone next to us who will lend an ear to us or who is waiting for us to lend an ear to.


<Closing Prayer:>

May your coming week be blessed by God’s grace

As together we explore the intersection between faith and daily life


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