Matthew 14:22-33
I believe that we all know this story of Peter well. Seeing Jesus walking on the water toward the boat, Peter wanted to do the same thing - walk on the water! With the assurance of Jesus’ words, he chose to trust in Jesus and stepped out of the boat where his faith was tested. If you were there, would you have done the same thing as Peter, courageously walking on the water to Jesus who calls you and promises to protect you from sinking?
By this time, Peter had seen what Jesus could do. He saw how Jesus healed his sick mother-in-law. He also saw how Jesus fed more than 5000 hungry people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Even so, he was still a new disciple because his faith hadn’t matured yet. His faith needed to be tested.
While walking on the water toward Jesus, he lost his focus on Jesus and got distracted by unexpected winds. He might not have realized that walking on the water was not so much about being able to do what Jesus did, but rather an opportunity to test his faith. The moment he shifted his focus to the strong wind that created the choppy waters, he couldn’t hold himself together. He didn’t just lose his faith for a moment but also lost himself. Then he began to sink.
Our faith journey is pretty much like walking on the water. It all begins with confession, which is professing our trust in Jesus. From time to time, we, like Peter, take the courage to step out of our comfort zone and walk to Jesus who has everything under control. What is the only power that can keep our sanity and our safety from any distraction? Our trust in Jesus! With Jesus beside us, we surely can walk our faith journey by grace through faith.
If thinking of walking on the water as an example of walking our faith journey isn't enough, how about thinking of a toddler learning to walk? When a toddler begins learning how to walk, there must be someone or something that the toddler can hold onto and focus on in the process. While steps are not stable yet, any unexpected distraction - like a car that suddenly passes by or unexpected loud sounds that can scare the toddler - even can cause a fall. Repeated practices can build up the legs’ muscles just like our faith muscles need to be built up and strengthened.
The way of knowing whether our faith muscles are ready is going through tests by stepping out of our own comfort zone and trusting in Jesus. The more our faith muscles are tested, the more mature and strong they become. When our faith becomes mature and strong, we can recognize God’s grace in our lives much easier. Seeing and being grateful to God’s grace more, our capacity to humble ourselves and ask God for help naturally increases.
We all know that we can’t avoid distraction or challenges in our faith journey. But can we actually choose when and how we want our faith to be tested? Unfortunately, it can happen either planned or unplanned. What really struck me this time when I read this passage is that we can’t really follow Jesus faithfully and embrace our salvation fully if we don’t even have the courage to walk to Jesus in whom we trust.
The salvation God gives to us has to do with our trust in God and our relationship with one another. That’s the very reason Jesus gives us the great commandment - love our God with all our hearts and minds just as we love others while loving ourselves. Relationships are messy but can be amazingly blessed by God. Jesus rescued Peter. And Jesus would also rescue you and me whenever we are in danger.
Danger can be of our own making or be caused by others. Any danger like strong winds or choppy water might threaten the wellbeing of not just our physical body but also our mental health or spiritual stability. What are the strong winds or the choppy waters in your life now, or in our life together as a faith community?
Indeed, in our lives, we all face strong winds, choppy water or even turbulent waves from time to time. When unexpected challenges occur, we often don’t find a quick solution or a cookie cutter result. Instead of blaming what’s going on and looking for an easy way out, may we remember Peter’s story. It is totally okay to meet God in our lowest places and in our most miserable situations like the sinking situation Peter faced.
What did Jesus say to Peter while he was sinking? Jesus said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” If Peter took an easy way out by putting blame on the strong winds or the choppy water, his faith wouldn’t mature. In the same way, if our faith has never been tested, or we always find an easy way out to avoid challenges, our faith won't get stronger and mature.
當彼得下沉時,耶穌對他說:“你為什麼信不過我,為什麼要疑惑呢?” 如果彼得歸咎強風或波浪,或是選擇一條不用歷練的道路,他的信仰就不會成熟。同樣地,如果我們的信仰從未受到歷練,或者我們總是尋找一條容易的道路來避免挑戰,我們的信仰就不會變得更堅定和成熟。
Peter had no idea that his name and his faith story would be known and mentioned by 2.83 billion Christians in the world after nearly 2000 years. Thanks be to God for his faith story that we can learn from. In his faith story, we learn about his courage to leave his profession as a fishman and put his trust in Jesus who made him fish for people. We also learn about his courage to step out of the boat, walk to Jesus, and follow him faithfully.
Within a short 4 month period, Grace has had to grieve for the unbearable separation from two pastors. In a situation like this, may you remember that you're not separated or distanced from God’s amazing grace at all. God was here with those who were committed to God’s mission in the past. God is still here with anyone who is committed to God’s mission now. And God will still be here doing amazing things in the future. What faith stories will you pass on to your future generations who will gather in this place? What's the ending of today's story? It says in verse 32-33 that the wind ceased when Jesus and Peter got into the boat. And those in the boat worshiped him. By faith, may we see God’s Grace abound, praise God and give thanks to God each day.
在過去這短短的四個月內,因為兩位牧師的離別,恩惠堂不得不為此而悲傷。在這樣的情況下,願你們謹記,你們並沒有與上帝奇妙的恩典分離或疏遠。過去,上帝與那些投入於上帝使命的人同在。現在,上帝仍然與任何願意投入於上帝使命的人同在。在未來的日子,上帝仍然將在這裡做驚人的大事情。今日的故事,是如何結束的呢? 第32-33節紀載著,當耶穌和彼得回到船上時,風停止了。在船上的人都敬拜祂。你們將會傳遞什麼樣的信仰故事給你們那些將在這個地方聚集的後代呢?願我們藉著信心,能看見上帝豐富的恩典,每日來讚美上帝並感謝祂。
Amen. 阿們。