The 6th Easter, Year A
Scriptures: Psalm 66:8-20; John 14:15-21; Acts 17:22-31l; 1 Peter 3:13-22
Key verse: “This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.” (John 14:17)
Questions to ponder:
1. Think of a time when you received a present/gift that shaped/changed the way you choose a present/gift for a loved one. What was the reason that changed you?
2. When did you start recognizing and embracing the gift of the Holy Spirit from God in either your personal or communal life? What do you appreciate the most from those moments?
3. The word ‘advocate’ (in biblical Greek ‘paracletos’) refers to the role of the Holy Spirit and our call to walk alongside others as one’s aid. What is it like for you to use this gift well in your daily life?
Prayer: God of relationships, help us share humbly our wrongs without guilt and shame, utter the words of encouragement while walking alongside each other, build the unity upon the foundation of your love, and strengthen the bond by practicing the ministry of being your gracious and holy presence. Amen.