The Three Days or Triduum, Year A
Maundy Thursday at sundown through sundown of Easter
Scriptures: Isaiah 55:1-11; Psalm 16, 143; John 13:1-17, 31b-35, 18:1--19:42, 20:1-18; Romans 6:3-11
Key verse: You will show me the path of life. - (Psalm 16:11)
Questions to ponder:
1. What is it like to reach a point in your life when it feels that it is a dead end?
2. If what seems to be the end is more of a new chapter, what kind of closure would you believe will help see that the past isn’t meaningless?
3. How would you prepare yourself to start a new chapter of your life?
God of living and God of rebirthing, may we not overlook or be traumatized by each transition in our life. Some transitions could be repetitive, catch us off guard, or go either slowly or overwhelmingly. Please give us wisdom and sense to hold onto your caring and loving hands as we move forward while not missing the big plan that you have installed and preordained for us to be. Amen.