Christmas Eve
Scriptures: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Luke 1:1-7
Key Verse: “For a child has been born for us, a son given to us.” (Isaiah 9:6a)
Hello, This is Jade.
Welcome to Yi.kigai
A space for all to explore the intersection between faith and daily life
I don’t know about you, but there are certain things that I still enjoy doing even though I am over 50 years old such as collecting cute things. Do you see the picture that I used for this podcast episode? Aren’t these two sheep cute? When I got the skinny sheep on the left, I said, “This is the best sheep ever.” Then, several years later when I got the chubby sheep on the right, I said the same thing, “This is the best sheep ever.” Last week when I was window shopping at a mall, I saw a colorful sheep, I picked it up and said, “This is the best ever.” So, exactly, which one is the best? Even though I understand the correct usage of ‘the best ever,’ I still use it, and I mean what I say because seeing a cute sheep certainly gives me a kind of joy that nothing can compare with.
What is the best gift that we have ever received from God? On this Christmas Eve, the best gift ever is baby Jesus. Why? Because God is with us. How about in the season of Epiphany? Our answer can be Jesus’ baptism and our baptism. Why? Because our baptism says to whom we belong. How about during the season of Lent? The best gift ever can be forgiveness from God. Why? Because of the gift of forgiveness, we are set free to let go of things that separate us from God. How about Easter? The best gift ever is the resurrection of Jesus. Why? Because Christ lives, so we live. How about on the day of Pentecost? The best gift ever is the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom that leads us on the path of God’s mission. Among all the gifts, which one is the best? Every gift from God is the best ever because each gift reminds us of our almighty God that no one can compare with.
What makes each of God’s gifts the best ever? If there is not a gift giver and a gift receiver, the gift is not a gift. Remember earlier, I shared with you that I saw a colorful sheep at a store and commented that it is the best. It is not a gift, but simply an item displayed at a store. Could I buy it as a gift for myself? Yes, I could. But buying a gift for myself is different from the gift that God gives. Every gift from God is free of charge. We receive it by grace through faith. That’s why God’s gift is the best ever.
We have a gracious God who gives gifts to all who extend their hands to receive them. In our lifetime, have we ever rejected God’s gifts? What will happen to God’s gifts if we don’t extend our hand to receive them? Or let’s say we receive the gifts with our hands and hold the gifts for days, weeks, or months. What will happen to our arms, hands, and fingers? Or let’s say we open the gifts after receiving them but never use them, what will happen to the gifts? Or let’s say we use the gifts but only for ourselves but not to share the experience with others who either didn’t accept or open the gifts. What does that make us as God’s gift receivers?
God is a gracious gift giver who gives gifts to gracious gift receivers. And the giving and receiving make each of God’s gifts the best ever. On this Christmas Eve, we give thanks to God for a child who has been born for us. We call him Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, our amazing Counselor, the Prince of Peace, and Immanuel, the best gift ever.
<Closing Prayer:>
May your coming week be blessed by God’s grace
As together we explore the intersection between faith and daily life
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