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December 10 Podcast: Pave the Way


Updated: Dec 16, 2023

2nd Advent Year B


Isaiah 40:1-11 Good news of God’s coming to a people in exile

Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 Righteousness shall prepare a pathway for God. (Ps. 85:13)

2 Peter 3:8-15a Waiting for and hastening the day of God

Mark 1:1-8 John appears from the wilderness

Key verse: God is coming!

“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way.” (Mark 1:2b)



Hello, This is Jade.

Welcome to Yi.kigai

A space for all to explore the intersection between faith and daily life



Advent blessings to you.

“The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” is the opening line that the gospel writer, Mark, uses to engage his audience with the big story of our almighty God. Then, he goes on to introduce the role of the messenger by quoting a scripture from the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. We can see that Mark, the author, intentionally wants his readers or listeners to pay attention to how God’s story is unpacked by the messenger, John the Baptist.

We all play the role of messenger one way or another. Sometimes, we do it naturally, happily, or voluntarily. Sometimes we do it reluctantly or without any choice. For example, when we see a car accident or a fire, we would pass along the message by calling 911. Or when we fear saying something directly to someone, we might send a messenger to do it for us. For example, my mom or my brother liked to make me relay their messages to my dad when my dad was in a bad mood.

In the Bible, we see numerous messengers of God. The first one that comes to my mind is the role of the prophet, especially in the Old Testament. We know that prophets are chosen and gifted by God. They relay important messages from God to God’s people.

How about in the New Testament? Who comes to our mind when we think of God’s messengers? There are many of God’s messengers in the New Testament such as the angel Gabriel who brought God’s message to Mary, John the Baptist who brought God’s message to the Jews, Jesus who brought God’s message to all including his first generation of disciples and the Apostle Paul. They all heard firsthand God’s message because they met Jesus and knew him in person.

How about you and me? Yes, we all heard God’s message secondhand from someone or from the Bible since none of us were born as Christians or know Jesus in person. The credibility of what we believe seems less. If sharing God’s message is our calling, then who doesn’t want to hear firsthand God’s message instead of secondhand.

I wonder if we can claim God’s message that we believe as firsthand. Let’s hear what John the Baptist say in Mark 1:7-8. He says that he baptizes people with water, but Jesus baptizes them with the Holy Spirit. So, we can conclude that being baptized with the Holy Spirit enables people to experience firsthand God’s message. Why? The moment we say, “Yes, I want to be a child of God,” in our baptism the Holy Spirit enters our lives fully. Because of the Holy Spirit, we start a new life and abide in Jesus.

In the book of Acts 2:41-42, it says that about 3,000 people joined the disciples for they had made a place for God’s message in their hearts. They received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and they gathered for learning, fellowship, breaking bread, and praying. That’s exactly our story, too. We make a place for God’s message in our hearts. We receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We gather for learning, fellowship, breaking bread, and praying.

We are in the beginning of Christian Church Year, the season of Advent. By experiencing firsthand God’s message in our hearts, each of us is like John the Baptist, the messenger of God. What an honor and privilege to be God’s messengers. Being messengers, we are called to pay attention to see what God is doing in our lives in order to share the good news. For instance, we heard the passage in Mark 13:28-29 last week. It says that God is by the gate when we notice the branch of a fig tree becomes tender and puts forth its leaves.

Whoever humble themselves to serve God is the tender branch, and whoever starts using their talents and practicing them to make a good impact on the lives of others are the green leaves. And when we notice the humble ones serving God by using their talents to grow the church, how can we not be inspired and motivated to tell God’s story like John the Baptist did?

While we await Jesus’ second coming, may we embrace the role of God’s messenger, telling everyone that God is coming, because we have seen the tender branch and the green leaves among us. That is how we can prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming. Thanks be to God for anointing us through our baptism with the Holy Spirit. And thanks be to God for sending us ahead to unpack and relay God’s story to all as God’s messengers. Let us together pave the way for Jesus’ second coming. Amen.


<Closing Prayer:>

May your coming week be blessed by God’s grace

As together we explore the intersection between faith and daily life


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