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A New You & A New Me 新的你新的我


Psalm 81:1-10

2 Corinthians 4:5-12

Mark 2:23-3:6

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt like you only slept for 10 minutes? Okay, I'm exaggerating, but you get my point. Feeling restless is what I’m talking about, a kind of exhaustion that involves our body, our mind, our heart - basically our whole being.

您是否曾經早上醒來,感覺自己只睡了 10 分鐘?好吧,我有點誇張,但你明白我的意思。我要說的是焦躁不安帶來的一種疲憊感,牽涉到我們的身體、我們的心思意念、我們的心靈,基本上就是我們的整個人。

We've all heard the phrase “Monday Blues.” It describes the dread of going back to work and starting the work week. The weekend is too short, and there isn’t any excitement about work or the workplace.


We know about Monday Blues, but how about “Covid-19 Blues?” It has been used by healthcare practitioners since 2020. The symptoms of Covid-19 Blues are very similar to the symptoms of depression.

我們知道「藍色星期一」,但聽過「藍色Covid-19 」嗎?自 2020 年以來,這個詞就開始被醫療人員所使用。「藍色Covid-19 」的症狀,其實與憂鬱症的症狀,非常的相似。

When we start questioning self-worthiness, feeling fatigue and experiencing aches all over the body for no reason, or lacking the will to do anything, it is a red flag telling us that we need help from a professional. And most importantly, we need to seek God for help because having a day off or a vacation isn’t going to make us feel better. What we really need is to have regular sabbaths that Jesus talks about in Mark 2.

當我們開始質疑自我價值的時候、無緣無故感到疲勞和全身疼痛,或缺乏做任何事情的意願時,這是一個危險信號,這危險信號告訴我們,是需要找專業人士幫助的時候了。 最重要的是,我們需要尋求上帝的幫助,因為一般的休息或休假日並不會讓我們的狀況好轉。我們真正需要的是遵守耶穌在馬可福音第 2 章中談到的遵循定期安息日。

How is the Sabbath Jesus talks about different from our regular day off or vacation? Let’s unpack some of the familiar biblical passages to help us understand better the meaning and the purpose of the Sabbath.


After God created the universe and everything in it, God took delight in what had been created. God saw that it was good. Then the last thing God did was take the Sabbath. This is the Sabbath Jesus was talking about. He said, “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath.”


Can you imagine if humans were made for the sabbath? It must be terrible. What does that say about our God? And what does that say about us, the creatures? For example: We just celebrated Memorial Day. The government designated Memorial Day to honor those who lost their lives defending their country. It is not the other way around. The government doesn't send soldiers into war for the sake of making Memorial Day more meaningful.


Another example: Let's say one day we decide to have kids just because we own a house and because we think kids make the house meaningful and purposeful. It’s terrible, isn’t it? Not because we want children, not because we want to love them and not because we want to make sure that they are well protected under a roof. The house was bought for the children. In the same way, the sabbath was made for humankind.


The word “Sabbath” (שַׁבָּת) appears 172 times in the Bible, which means “cease,” “complete rest,” or “desist.” Since the sabbath is blessed by God who commanded us to keep it holy, we address Sunday as “Holy Sabbath.”


The meaning of ‘holy’ is ‘setting it apart.’ Therefore, it is a day that is set apart so that we can be with God fully. We desist or cease everything from our minds, our thoughts, our hearts including our worries and our own agenda. Holy Sabbath is a day of letting God fully enter our own being.

「神聖」的意思是「分別出來」。我們使我們的頭腦、來斷念且停止我們自己的心思意念、我們內心想的一切,包括我們的憂慮和我們自己的議程。“神聖安息日” 是讓神完全進入我們自己的一天。

We all know that God has the ability to create life, redeem life, and sanctify life. Has God stopped from creating, redeeming, and sanctifying the people of God? How often have we missed opportunities to be recreated, re-redeemed, re-sanctified, and to be made new whenever we encounter our God?


The result of allowing God to enter our being fully is that we can be made new each time. Sabbath is a gift from God from the very beginning of creation. When the gift of sabbath is taken away from His people, God will not tolerate it. Remember the famous line that God asked Moses to say to Pharaoh in Exodus 9:1? God says, “Let my people go so that they can serve me and worship me.”

讓神完全進入我們的生命的結果,就是我們每次都能再次成為新人。安息日是上帝從創世之初就所賜給我們的禮物。當安息日的恩賜從祂的子民手中被奪走時,上帝不會容忍的。還記得出埃及記 9 章 1 節中,上帝要求摩西對法老說的那句著名的話嗎?神說:“讓我的百姓去,好讓他們事奉我、敬拜我。”

Jesus must have been super frustrated whenever he was accused by the religious leaders who thought that they had all the answers about Sabbath. That’s why they had nothing to say when Jesus confronted them saying, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the sabbath, to save life or to kill?”


In Psalm 81, God heard people’s cry and responded to them by rescuing them. In return, God asked why they didn’t hear God’s calling. Jesus was clear that His sheep should recognize His voice and promised them that the Holy Spirit would guide them and lead them back to God each day, each moment, each season of our lives in both good times and bad times.


What happens when we're with God fully, worshiping and serving God on the day of Holy Sabbath? The calling voice of Jesus brings us comfort. The power of the Holy Spirit moves our whole being into the presence of God fully. And the Word of God strengthens us and renews us. By partaking the broken body of Christ at the Lord’s Table, we are reunited into one and experiencing the power of being the body of Christ.


Sabbath is a gift from God. Week after week, we are being made new over and over again. St. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4 that we are to proclaim Jesus Christ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. That’s exactly what happens to us. When we immerse ourselves in God’s presence fully on the Sabbath, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God shines in our hearts. And we carry the light within us whenever we go for the rest of the week.

安息日是上帝賜給我們的恩賜。一周又一周,我們一次又一次地被煥然一新。聖保羅在《哥林多後書》第 4 章中說,我們要宣揚耶穌基督,祂已經照耀在我們心裡,賜下認識上帝榮耀的光。當我們在安息日完全沉浸在與神的同在時,認識上帝榮耀的光,就會照耀在我們每一個人的心中。在接下來的一週裡,不論我們到哪,那道光也隨著我們到哪。

On the holy sabbath, our relationship with God is reaffirmed; our relationship with each other is re-strengthened. Our relationship with ourselves is re-restored. Once again, we see the image of God in ourselves and in each other.


On the holy sabbath, the door of the church is open, the Word of God is read and proclaimed, the invitation of the Holy Table is given, and the Holy Spirit accompanies us back into the world. Be a new you; be a new me, for another new week. Thanks be to God for the Holy Sabbath. Amen.


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